Next up was Kalup Linzy and Diane Von Furstenberg. Kalup was in true form and sang to a packed room in a squeaky reverb voice, sequins dress (Von Furstenbergs’ I assume?) and live jazz band. Lastly we made our way to my fav, artist Olaf Breuning who is in collaboration with designer Cynthia Rowley. Olaf, who often utilizes both paint along with the human body (and who I’ve been fortunate to pose for twice) created a paint booth. Participants were invited to put on a denim garment of Rowley’s and proceed to be “dumped” on with a full bucket of latex paint. The effect was quite striking afterwards I told Olaf, I had the urge to clap at the last drip because of the performative gesture, whereas the physical movement of the paint plays such an important role. During the process photographs were taken of the model in-situ and then the garment was brought to a rack, tagged and left to dry and later be sold. Love it!
MOVE! is sponsored by V Magazine and is on view at PS1 until October 31st, 12-6
More soon
— Posted from my iPhone