Yesterday evening I was fortunate to have a studio visit with Australian artist Deborah Wargon, who has lived in Berlin for the past seven years. She has been working on a series titled: The Wiedergutmachung Project where she investigates the complexities of Jewish identity from a historical European context and how it relates to her own experience. Her most recent work, shown above, hangs delicately on studio walls having been made filtered through the subconscious. The work is monochromatic all but for one “albino”. It channels the craftwork of masking, buzzes with a brimming sexuality along with a post Apocalyptic otherness.








Wednesday, almost directly after my arrival, I ventured along with independent curator Leo Kuelbs, to an intimate party at the studio of German painter Kai Teichert. He makes small figurative oil paintings that have both a formal Renaissance quality while also tapping in to a contemporary aesthetic and humor. The painting above is from the on-going series Vogelfanger, or Bird-catchers. Also overlooking the festivities was Teichert’s sculpted bust of poet and former President of Czechoslovakia Václav Havel, which will soon be part of the former leaders own private collection currently located in Prague.

More soon!