Saturday afternoon on my way to the studio, I stopped by Black & White Gallery in Williamsburg and was pleasantly surprised by the free-standing sculpture in the project space. The piece, The End Of Things, by Spanish born, New York based artist Isidro Blasco, has been on-view since February 25th and even though a bit bloated from the rain, was really fun to walk through.

The structure is both sculptural and architectural. It is composed of wooden beams and cardboard. At first I hesitantly stepped thinking it might collapse, but the foundation seems to be quite strong. I love being able to physically experience art, so this was an unexpected treat.

I squeezed through the narrow passageways, my footsteps tapping on the hollow planks as I walked. The structure extends the width of the outdoor gallery space and while not huge, I imagined how exciting it must have been on opening night as crowds mingled and strode within the maze, a purposeful yet haphazard construction dwarfed in comparison to all of the new buildings that are currently sprouting, along with springtime flora, throughout Williamsburg.

The End Of Things, a site specific project is on-view at the gallery until May 25th, 2011. Get there before they tear it down, or local critters move in.
More soon!
— Posted from my iPhone