This year the IFPDA held once again at the Jacob Javits Center, welcomed 70 galleries and publishers to the venue. Under new direction by Helen Toomer, the fair featured a special project by Swoon, which greeted visitors at the entrance. Walking the carpeted floors amongst the numerous booths, artists represented ranged from contemporary to those from antiquity. Covering a broad range of works on paper, original prints and editions, the IFPDA had a lot to offer visitors including a wide range of price points for the experienced and budding collector. Below is a selection of our top favorites. See you there next year and congrats to Helen on her first run at the fair!
Flying Horse Editions

Tandem Press

Two Palms

Galerie Sabine Knust

Osborne Samuel Modern and Contemporary Art

Galerie Maximillian

Right: Marc Quinn, Top: Self (hand-painted, pink) Middle: Self (hand-painted, red) Bottom: Self (hand-painted, blue), All 2006 pigment print on gesso coated aluminum hand painted by the artist, 10 unique variants, photograph Katy Hamer, Galerie Maximillian, IFPDA Fair, 2019
Cristea Roberts Gallery

Katy Diamond Hamer is the founder of Eyes Towards the Dove and has been writing about contemporary art and culture since 2007. For more of her art adventures, please visit @katyhamer on Instagram.